Saturday, 17 February 2023
Jeremy Kirkwood Foyer, SPACE, Corio Campus, Corio

Our Principal, Ms Rebecca Cody warmly invites all Year 10 Parents and Guardians to the 2024 Year 10 Parents’ Connect. This event, which was initiated in 2004 by the Geelong Grammar Foundation, provides an opportunity for parents, guardians and staff to meet in a relaxed social atmosphere.   

PLEASE NOTE: Year 10 students will not be in attendance. 

Date: Saturday, 17 February 2024

On the night:
Arrival with a welcome drink and canapes served
Welcome and Presentation – Setting Students for Positive Wellbeing and Academic Progress in Senior School.

  • Vice Principal | Residential Education, Care and Community, Tom Hall, will introduce the team supporting our Year 10s, and speak to the importance of community culture in Senior School.
  • Vice Principal | Learning, Teaching and Academic Innovation, Luke Mandouit, will outline the School’s recent initiatives to strengthen our learning culture, step through the timelines and supports for decisions about academic pathways and explain the new Term 2 Year 10 Academic Testing program.
  • Principal Rebecca Cody will address the circles, numbers and straight lines of partnering with GGS to enable positive welling and academic progress.  This presentation is updated annually to capture the essentials of our School’s partnership with families and our shared accountabilities.

Year 10 Parents make your way to the Main Dining Hall for a sit down dinner (drinks and quiz hosted by Tom Hall)
Conclusion of function

Location: Jeremy Kirkwood Foyer, SPACE, Corio Campus
Catering cost: $100.00 per person
Dress: Smart casual
RSVP: by midday Friday, 9 February 2024
Registration: Book Here

Enquiries: Denise Hanrahan / Thomas Bourke T: (+61 3) 5227 6241 E: events@ggs.vic.edu.au