Deeply connected to nature and one another

Strong relationships are the foundations of life at Timbertop, where students are given daily opportunities for kindness, honesty and effort.

Our programme, which is unrivalled in operation and philosophy, asks all students to live together in a co-educational, full boarding residential community for the entire academic year with around 250 others.

All students participate in our comprehensive academic and outdoor education programme, which takes full advantage of its natural and sometimes unforgiving surroundings. Timbertop offers a truly unique, memorable and very active life.

Unit Life

Responsibility, challenge and independence

Unit life is integral to the experience of Timbertop. The feelings of independence that result from living with and relying on others are central to Timbertop’s success. There are sixteen Units (eight for boys and eight for girls). Students live and work in their Unit with up to fifteen fellow students.

Students sleep, eat, shower, study, clean, socialise and interact in these Units. Students learn to become highly self-sufficient and have complete responsibility for the care and upkeep of their living environment. Sharing a rotating roster of jobs and chores, chopping wood for the slow-combustion heaters and hot water boilers is an integral part of the students’ daily routines.


Support and care

There is a well-considered and thoughtful pastoral support structure in place at Timbertop which ensures that every young person in the programme receives the unique care and support they need for their own personal growth.